Assets Docs

Keep inventory and documentation on your assets all in one place to help with tracking and troubleshooting.

How to create a new asset

Using the left navigation menu, expand Assets then click New Asset

  • You can also add assets by clicking the '+' on the top nav, and selecting 'Add Asset'

If you do not have this option, a super user may need to assign you this permission.

How many assets can I have?

There are currently no yields in place on the number of assets you can have.

Billing is based on the number of agents and can be changed at any time by super users under Billing settings.

How to stop notifications on a task

If you may be part of a task (ticket), but do not need to see any updates on the ticket, you can easily disable notifications for the task. To disable notifications on a task you're a part of:

  • Navigate to the task you want to stop notifications on.
  • On the right nav/options

  • Toggle the "Follow task" switch off (make it gray)

You will no longer receive notifications for this ticket, but you will remain a member on the ticket.

How to close a task/ticket

To close a task, navigate to it and then click the existing status to change it.

Here, you can change the status of the task or set current resolution.

How to get alerts when asset warranties ends

In order to get alerts when the warranty on your assets ends, you need need to enable warranty alerts.

Navigate to System > Administration > Assets and enable the switch to "Create a task when warranties end". You can also add what agents the task alert will be assigned to. This will automatically create a task for assets when the warranty ends, and assign it to the agents you specified. Be sure to add warranty dates to assets when or alerts will not be sent. 

How to sync with LogMeIn Central

If you're a LogMeIn Central customer, Vertask allows you to easily import your assets in order to link to tasks and documentation. Setup is straightforward; once completed, the sync can be done manually or automatically (runs every 3 hours). 

In order to configure the sync, on your left navigation, navigate to Settings Integrations > LogMeIn Central. To sync manually/immediately, click the LogMeIn Central Sync button.

You must have permission to edit the company settings to configure and enable this plugin.

Configure Sync

Under LogMeIn configuration settigs, enter your LogMeIn Central company id and API key, and set the status to Enabled.

You will then decide to sync manually or automatically (syncs every three hours)... 

How to delete assets

When you delete assets, all of the asset's data correlated to users, locations, tasks, and reporting are purged immediately and cannot be restored. If you would like to remove an asset from your inventory but don't want to lose all of its data, disable the asset instead.

Disable An Asset

Navigate to the asset you want to disable, and click the pencil icon next to the asset's name to edit the asset. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link to "Disable Asset". If you do not have a pencil, you may not have permission to edit assets.

Delete An Asset

Navigate to the asset you want to delete, and click the pencil icon next to the asset's name to edit the asset. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link to "Delete Asset". If you do not have a pencil, you may not have permission to edit assets.

Delete All Assets From The Tenant

One-click deletion of all assets and asset-related data is possible by agents with permission to edit the company. Note that this cannot be undone. This includes all active and inactive assets.

Navigate to Settings > Assets and scroll down to the section titled "Delete all assets". Click the "Delete" option and confirm. This action is taken immediately and cannot be reversed.