Contracts Docs

Add your contacts so you can quickly see what's coming up for renewal, set reminders, and share with team members.

Add New Contract

Use our simple contract management solution to help you keep them organized and set reminders on renewals. 

To create a new contract entry, Create New Renewal

  • First, give your contract a name
  • You might then want to specify the start date and end date of the contract. This will be helpful later to see when the contract starts and end.
  • It would also be a good idea to add contract cost (or value). This way you can easily determine how much it's costing you later.
  • Finally, add any details you want to add about the contract that might be useful in the future.

After adding all the information, click Create to create the contract.

Once the contract is created, you can then attach relative documents, give permission to other agents who need to view or edit contract details and add contract reminders.

Set up a reminder on a contract

One of the best benefits of adding your contract details is setting up reminders. This way, you can start reviewing contracts before they renew and be on your "A" game when time comes!

To set up a reminder, head over to your Contracts

  • click on the contract you want to add a reminder on. 
  • once the contract comes up, scroll down to Reminders, and
  • click "New entry"
  • select the date you want a reminder on and add a note.
  • Once done, click "Save".

You will now get a reminder on the date you selected.

Contract Permissions

When you add a contract entry, you can also configure permission so that others can see it, edit it, or do both.

To begin, navigate to any of your contracts, or create a new contract.

1. Next, click the pencil next to the title of the contract to edit the task

2. Scroll to the very bottom of the contract info, and look for Permissions

3. Click Add Agent to add

4. On the pop-up, select an agent to give permission from the dropdown and check the "Allow Editing" option if you want this agent to be able to edit the contract details.

5. Click Save when done


6. If you would like to delete the agent, click the "X" next to that user.

7. To change permission, delete the user and add them back, selecting the appropriate permissions.