How to edit a task Last updated: Jul 26, 2020

Our task management tool makes it extremely easy to edit a task and add updates:

  • Navigate to "Task" on the main menu. 
  • Find the task you want to update and click the task

In the main work area (center):

  • To close the task/ticket, see here
  • To add a due date, or a hold date, click . A hold date hides the task/ticket until the given date.
  • Add comments/updates to the task by scrolling to the bottom

On the Right Menu, you will be able to do various things, like:

  • Update the task/ticket Title
  • Add details to the task/tickets
  • Select clients, assets, and locations included or affected by the task/ticket
  • Assign the task to different or additional teams and agents
  • As a participant in the task/ticket, you can block the client from viewing the ticket 
  • You can turn off task notifications if you're a participant in the task/ticket
  • As an agent participant, you can delete the task/ticket