How to delete a task Last updated: Jan 4, 2021

In the event you create a task by accident or want to complete delete its content, you have two options:

  1. Close the task/ticket like you would any regular tasks
  2. Completely delete the task

If you decide to completely delete the task, please note that all information will be deleted and cannot be restored. If you may need to see information on a ticket later, it is best to close the ticket like normal instead of deleting it. To delete the ticket:

  • Navigate to the task you want to stop notifications on.
  • On the right sidebar, scroll down to the bottom, and click Delete Task in red.

Once you confirm, the task is immediately deleted, along with all ties to clients, agents, assets, etc.

Please note that admins can disable the ability to delete tasks in the settings. If you do not see the 'delete task' button, the feature is disabled by one of the super users of your company.